
    The British Literary and

    Artistic Copyright Association


    The British Literary & Artistic Copyright Association, BLACA,

    is the UK national group of the International Literary and Artistic Association (ALAI)

    founded in Paris in 1878 under the Presidency of Victor Hugo.

    It provides a forum for discussion of matters affecting the rights of authors and other copyright owners.

  • Next seminars



    Save the date for our upcoming seminars


    • We are delighted that Michele Woods, Director of the Copyright Law Division at WIPO, has accepted our invitation to give a presentation at our next meeting, on Thursday 12th September, 6pm at Bristows. Her subject will be: An Update on the WIPO Copyright Treaties and an Account of the main copyright issues under discussion at WIPO.


    Recent news and updates



    • ALAI European Authors' Right Award - Supported by GESAC - 2024/2025 Edition - Deadline for applications is 15 November 2024. You can download the relevant information here: Flyer in English and French; Guidelines in English and French; Application form in English and French.
    • As members know, BLACA is the UK group of ALAI, the Association Litteraire et Artistique Internationale. This year’s annual ALAI Congress will take place in Santiago, Chile on 24 and 25 October, focused on ‘Copyright, International Trade and Cultural Diversity’. Here is a link to the Congress website. Further information about the congress will be made available on that website in the coming weeks.


    • On 17 February 2024, ALAI adopted a Resolution concerning the impact of AI on copyright, accessible here.










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    The annual subscription is £50. This covers attendance at all the regular meetings and entitles members to a substantial discount on the fee for joint BLACA seminars. BLACA members are automatically members of ALAI with entitlement to discounted fees to attend its international Congresses and Study Days each year and to receive free copies of the proceedings (A special registration fee is available for registered students). Enquiries to Stephen Edwards.

  • Contact us

    Stephen Edwards, Chairman: sedwards@ReedSmith.com

    Sara Witton, Secretary: sara.witton@bristows.com
    Dr Maria Mercedes Frabboni, Honorary Treasurer: m.m.frabboni@sussex.ac.uk


  • Directions

    Seminars in presence will be held at Bristows,
    100 Victoria, Embankment, EC4Y 0DH